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  • Hungarian Vizsla ‘Yogi’ Wins Best In Show at Crufts  By : Chrisgyleo
    A seven-year-old Hungarian Vizla dog called Yogi, has beaten off competition to win Best in Show at the Crufts 2010 show held at the Birmingham National Exhibition Centre (NEC). Yogi is the first Hungarian Vizsla to win Best in Show. His handler, John Thirlwell said his "wonderful dog" from Carlisle, Cumbria, is likely to retire.
  • Thinking of Making Homemade Dog Food? Check With Your Vet First  By : Mayfield
    There’s a reason why they call a dog a man’s best friend. They are a source of unconditional love, they boost our happiness day in and day out and they’re always there to greet us like we’re the best things since sliced bread. It is only natural then that as dog owners we want to take the very best care of our best friends as possible. Right down to the foods they eat.
  • Widespread Pet Behavior Issues: Barking and Digging  By : Brendan Wilson
    Barking is completely regular for any dog however it should be considered an issue if it turns excessive. Digging,the instinct to dig is robust in most canines and sometimes starts in puppy hood.
  • Dog Coat - Why Your Dog May Need One  By : Gen Wright
    A dog coat might be necessary if you live in a bitter cold climate. Exposure to extremely cold temperatures can be detrimental to the health of a cold natured dog. Dog coats come in every size and color imagineable with features to consider before deciding on which coat is best suited for your situation.
  • Bunny Hutches, Cages, also Runs: What precisely to take into consideration  By : Steve Bradley
    Your trusty furry friend bunny or Bunnie will probably require some kind of living space.
  • Cat Owners are Cleverer - It is Official  By : Dave Articlesubmit
    For a long time now the relative merits of owning a cat or a dog have been argued. It has been suggested that because dogs can be trained and will give total loyalty to their owners they are the superior pet. Whilst it is a fact that there are no examples of cats doing a Greyfriars Bobby and sitting on their masters’ grave for months they do have their strong points.
  • Dog Aggression as a Form of Protection and Emotional Release  By : Sean Reynolds
    Dogs are the most common pet in the home, which are expected to keep the house they are in safe from attacks like burglars and robbers. Guard dogs are trained to be aggressive so that they will be able to stop any attack coming from strangers whom they perceive as bad.
  • Dog Training Advice  By : John Murray
    Piieces of dog training advice to take into account:
    Organise routine training sessions with your dog twice a day.
    Don't feed your puppy before his lessons as he will work better on an empty stomach.
    Don't give him a treat every time he gets something right.
  • How To Use A Wireless Dog Fence  By : Gen Wright
    Not everyone has the energy to constantly run after a pet. If one has more than one pet, constant surveillance is well-nigh impossible. This is why electronic devices to keep your pet within safe limits become a necessity.
  • Your Vet - The Perfect Resource To Educate You About Your Dog's Diet  By : Ray Ebersole
    Begin with your vet. A trusted veterinarian wants only what is best for your dog. Just like you, he or she wants to find and discover what is perfect for your dog's diet.
  • How To Train a Puppy To Stop Biting  By : Matthew Taylor
    There is no better way to enjoy a day at home than to have a cute puppy running around the house and doing tricks which are the fruits of your responsible training. The training should start at day one, when the owner enjoys the cute little puppy, but should keep in mind that everything that he does with the puppy is reinforcing behavior that will continue when the puppy turns into an adult. If you want your puppy to successfully learn new tricks and behave properly, you must train it in the most consistent manner and establish the attitude you want from the puppy. If the behavior would be an embarrassment or could cause harm or annoyance to the person entering the home the owner must not allow it with himself, otherwise the dog will be confused as to what behavior is appropriate to do with people.
  • Some Tips To Toilet Train Your Cat  By : Steve Procta
    One of the most daunting responsibilities that you have as a kitten owner is litter tray-training them. You would not wish for them to soil your bed sheet or wet your much loved furniture.
  • Outside Rabbits Require The Safety Of A Sound Hutch  By : Reat Cresen
    Pet rabbits make excellent pets, whether you look after them inside or out. If you wish to look after your rabbit outside, then you will certainly must to get yourself an outdoor rabbit hutch.
  • Cats come with responsibilities  By : Dave Articlesubmit
    Cats are amongst the easiest animals to look after, but they are not totally maintenance free.
  • The Truth about Cat Fights  By : Dave Articlesubmit
    We have all heard about cat fights, but are cats really aggressive animals?
  • Dog Chewing Is Very Natural  By : Becky Long
    Chewing is as normal to dogs as touching is to kids and people.
  • Time-Out For Your Dogs Bad Behavior  By : Becky Long
    As dog lovers know, dogs and kids are much alike, so we have to disipline them a good deal the same way.
  • Dog Obedience Training Guide For You  By : David Starikov
    Do you own an older dog? One, who’s crossed the rug chewing stage, is calmer and meekly surrenders to your call. You love it when your pride possession cuddles around your feet, understands your basic commands and works them out in a flash. How about transforming your adorable pet into a cool and smart fun element for the household?
  • Welcoming Your New Dog To The Family  By : Becky Long
    The more you uncover about your dog, the more she will discover about you.
  • Why Mixed Breeds Are So Awesome  By : Becky Long
    These Heinz 57 dogs come with a assortment of wonderful traits, and each has a personality all its very own.
  • Guidelines for Raising a Ferret Effectively  By : Josh Harding
    Do not bring your new ferret home until you've made a number of imperative arrangements. A little advanced thinking can go a long way with regard to ensuring your pet a joyful and healthy life. You can raise flourishing ferrets by doing things the right way.
  • Do not Buy A Hamster Wheel... untill you'e read this article.  By : Chris Hibbard
    The hamster wheel is by far the most familiar hamster toy. Indeed every hamster ought to have one. Finding a suitable one for your hamster isn't expensive or hard but there are a couple things you ought to bear in mind.
  • From Domestic Shorthair to American Shorthair  By : Robert Barnes
    It is not just towns and businesses that change names. In 1966, cat fanciers witnessed a different type of name change: in a breed of cats. What was then known as the domestic shorthair breed of cats had its name changed to American shorthair; a name which has since stuck, so that if you talked about the ‘domestic shorthair’ in cat fanciers’ circles, then nobody might understand what you are actually talking about.
  • How to Stop Your Dog From Biting Just About Anything It Sets Its Eyes On  By : karl donald
    Dogs are perhaps one of the most adorable pets that you can have in your home. However, once your dog starts biting your relatives, friends and other guests, he may not seem quite as adorable as he was before. As a matter of fact , if you do not control you dog's biting habits, he or she can actually cause damage to your home or worse, hurt someone in the process. Having said this, you have to know how to stop your dog from biting before everything gets out of hand .
  • Four Ways Remote Dog Training Collars Improve Hunting Trips  By : Gen Wright
    Training an animal to sit, stay, play dead, and roll over, are very common and simple techniques that can nevertheless be more than trying to communicate to your animal without the proper tools.
  • Is Your Horse Safe From Sunburn?  By : Tani Kae
    Your horse can suffer from sunburn just like you can. Too much sun can also take its toll on your horse's coat, main and tail. Simple steps to prevent and treat sunburn can keep your horse pain-free and healthy.
  • Symptoms of Heartworm-What Are They  By : Evan Fisher
    Do you know that symptoms of heartworm in canines are not simple to detect? This is a gigantic difficulty because heartworm affects predominantly the heart, and by the time these symptoms develop, if they do, it is regularly too late and the heart has suffered damage.
  • That's a Good Boy!  By : karl donald
    A lot of people would like to put their dog through dog obedience training. It is important that your dog goes through training to make sure that you and your dog maintain a healthy relationship with each other. One of the most important things that you should take note of is that your dog has natural animal instincts. And you have to tame these instincts to make sure that you are going to have a worry-free time with your prized pet.
  • How to Help Your Dog Overcome Separation Anxiety  By : karl donald
    Dog separation anxiety occurs when dogs get separated from their owners. Pet dogs suffering from separation anxiety may howl, bark, whimper, claw and bite at house furniture, and even hurt themselves in an attempt to "escape." . In extreme cases, your dog may even suffer stress, anxiety, and even trauma as a result of separation anxiety.
  • Stop Dog Biting - Practical Tips  By : karl donald
    Dogs are the greatest pet friends one could ever have. They are adorable and loyal and they make good company. But if your dog bites, then you have got a big problem. Dog biting can be annoying, destructive, and even dangerous, especially for children in your household and your neighbors. It is therefore important to keep in mind some pointers and tips on how to stop dog biting.
  • Heartworms In Dogs - What They Are And How To Stop Them  By : Ray Ebersole
    It is critically important for a dog owner to be aware of the dangers of the parasitic heartworm. As their name suggests, Heartworms reside inside a dogs heart where they can carry out a lot of destruction.
  • African Pygmy Hedgehogs - How To Care For Them  By : Amanda Edwards
    There Are Many Positives To Keeping An African Pygmy Hedgehog As A Pet, We Have Listed Them Below! African Pygmy Hedgehogs are very fast becoming one of the most popular kept exotic pets in the UK. They don't take up huge amounts of space and exercise outside the cage. They are not noisy animals so no fall outs with you neighbours (if you have them),
  • Keeping Goats- Dealing with Mastitis in your Goat  By : Gen Wright
    If you are keeping goats, especially breeding goats, you will probably encounter mastitis sooner rather than later. Mastitis is inflammation of the mammary glands, often the cause of bacteria. If you have a goat with this condition, first ensure she is eating and being given lots of love and support.
  • Provide Your Dog With Everything Required To Ensure He Is Happy  By : Robert Jonson
    Provide Dog With Everything Required To Ensure He Is Happy
  • Shower Care To Your Cat Through Cat Insurance  By : Treva Eaton
    It's not just enough to feed and walk your dog or just stroke your cat while watching television. You need to compare price and find an affordable insurance so that you can feel secure if anything ever happens to your loved one day we'll get proper care. You must remember that you should not touch your cat if it touching an exposed electric wire. When we are providing such security for our valuables maybe we should also give our pets the security of insurance. This can make a difference between receiving treatment or not. Whether you are trying to keep your home or your business safe, many people turn to dogs as a reliable and low cost security system.
  • Dog Health Insurance - Perfect Package of Quality Care  By : Treva Eaton
    Unfortunately, we don't live in a per world, and bad things can happen, even if you're the most attentive owner in the world. Once you narrow your search down to a few pet insurance providers you'll want to compare them side-by-side to see which offers the most at the best value. Pet life insurance is growing in popularity thanks to people's increasing awareness of how much it costs to care for a sick dog or cat. Dog Insurance is a necessary way to protect your finances against the unexpected ve
  • How To Find Cheap Pet Insurance - The Quick Easy Way  By : Treva Eaton
    Why should you bother finding a cheap pet health insurance for your animal? Quick Care is one of the most affordable online pet insurance companies.
  • What Is The Difference In An Elder Dog Diet?  By : Wesley Knapp
    You can't bear to acknowledge it, but your furry buddy is getting a bit older. You would like to ensure that your pet is content and fit for many years to come.
  • Diatomaceous Earth - Is Diatomaceous Earth Good For Fleas?  By : Ras Reed
    You should never surrender on getting rid of fleas until you have tested diatomaceous earth. Unknown to many individuals out there, this is a natural flea control. Want to be informed of the difference between it and a lot of others around you? It works by dehydrating adult fleas. Moreover, it is nontoxic for you and your dogs. Unlike other flea treatments you buy with your hard earned cash, it has no poison.
  • The Job of Calcium in Your Dog's Diet  By : Wesley Knapp
    It is important for your dog's diet to include all of the necessary vitamins to ensure outstanding healthiness. One of the important nutrients in your dog's diet is calcium.
  • Dog Carrier Tips  By : Gen Wright
    Below are some tips that will help you choose the best dog carrier for your plane ride.
  • Six Tips For Choosing The Right Dog Bed  By : Robert Craythorne
    Choosing a suitable dog bed requires a clear appreciation of your dog’s particular foibles and habits, and should be selected based on a number of factors. In this article we look at the factors which affect choosing dog beds, and what to bear in mind to ensure your dog is happy, healthy and comfortable.
  • Pets as Presents  By : Neven Zeremski
    With several public holidays coming up this Fall, many people might be thinking of getting their family and friends a pet as a gift. In the UK, the slogan ‘a dog is for life, not just for Christmas’ is well known, but every year thousands of pets end up being given away or even neglected because they are an unwanted present. If you’re thinking of getting someone you know a pet as a gift in the next few months, there are a few things to consider before making the decision.
  • Is Microchipping Your Animal Worth It?  By : Neven Zeremski
    Microchipping is a relatively new invention that is becoming more popular. It is designed to help pet owners find their animals more easily if they are lost or stolen. A small electronic chip containing a code is inserted into your pet. If the pet is then found, scanning this code will reveal who its owners are, where they live and how to contact them. Microchipping has proven successful in reuniting pets with their owners but animal lovers are still divided over the practice. Most animals can b
  • How to Cope with the Death of a Pet  By : Neven Zeremski
    Dealing with the death of a pet can be incredibly tough. Many domesticated animals can live for over a decade and during that time become an important part of the family. Equally, you become part of your animal’s pack and they probably show you a lot of love and affection in return for the care you give them.
    Whenever we get a new pet, we are aware that the chances are that we will outlive it. However, for most people that doesn’t make the loss any less difficult. Losing a pet, whether suddenly
  • Dog Vaccinations - Do You Have the Facts?  By : Neven Zeremski
    Vaccinations are essential to prevent your dog from suffering life-threatening illnesses. These include rabies, distemper, and hepatitis. Not only does vaccinating your dog protect him from these diseases but it also stops them spreading among the canine population. Some of the diseases your dog will be vaccinated against are zoonotic, which means they can spread from animals to humans. This is all the more reason to make sure your dog’s vaccinations are complete and up-to-date, as it is not jus
  • Important Facts about Snakes  By : Neven Zeremski
    Snakes are one of the most misunderstood animals on the planet. Many people have an innate fear of them but in reality most snakes are harmless and will only bite if provoked. Below are a few common misconceptions and myths about snakes and the truth behind them. All snakes are poisonous. Actually, less than 20% of the world’s species are actually venomous. Also, there are very few species that will attack for no reason.
  • Kitten Litter Education: Make the Cat Extra Loveable  By : Roy Weastt
    Cats are exceptionally enchanting pets. They are docile, cuddly and are certainly beautiful.
  • Why schooling Is important For Your Miniature Dog  By : Pavion Jordan
    The reasons for training huge, powerful dogs are obvious and abundant. You ought to be able to control them and they're often much stronger than you. They can very easily outrun you and it's very possible they could hurt another person, whether intentionally or inadvertently.
  • Keeping Goats- Angora breed of goat  By : Gen Wright
    The Angora breed of goat are unique animals with distinct physical features. They are bred for their coat of hair which has commercial value. Mohair is different from wool in terms of elasticity and smoothness. When keeping goats like the Angora breed of goats, you should pay attention to its diet, health and shelter provision.
  • Living With Your Dogs Chewing Trouble  By : Pavion Jordan
    Dogs chew on stuff. It's a frequent, natural conduct. It's also beneficial for them because it helps to keep their teeth and gums healthy and clean.
  • Why Obedience training is Valuable For Your Dog  By : Pavion Jordan
    For quite a few reasons, putting your dog through obedience schooling is the greatest thing you can do for them. It's a relatively uncomplicated process, especially when your dog is immature, but a lot of people just don't take the time or see the point.
  • Dog Training Made Fun-Find Out How!  By : Daniel Waser
    Dog training doesn't need to be an unbearable painful job, it can in fact be very pleasant, if it is done properly. It's always very vital for a dog owner to understand that dog training isn't going to happen in one day, it will in fact obtain a tiny bit of time, which means patience is an total necessity.
  • Your Puppy and his Many Moods  By : Neven Zeremski
    Most avid pet owners or animal lovers know that all animals have their own communication system. Contrary to popular belief they use this technique not only to communicate with their own kind but also to communicate with humans. Whether its simple dog training, living a happy life with your dog or gauging first signs of an impending illness all of these things can be achieved if you learn to understand the subtle cues that your dog is to trying to give you.
  • How to Stop The Barking Habit?  By : Neven Zeremski
    Most neighbors choose to be oblivious about your dog and besides a little bit of petting once in a while in the elevator nobody bothers too much with your dog. So even if he is over toppling your house, ripping the furniture to bits they won’t have any complaints. But if his behavior also involves a good dose of midnight barking, then you have a problem on your hands. Most people will not tolerate your dogs barking for too long and if you don’t want to deal with the police on a regular basis, yo
  • Dog Training Collars  By : Neven Zeremski
    If you want to control your dog better but don’t know how to; a dog collar will prove very helpful in solving your woes. Dog collars give you better control and leading ability and they are also very comfortable for your dog. The two types of training collars or head halters that are very popular are the gentle leader and the Halti. Both the training collars are very close in their design, but the usage and safety is where the difference lies.
  • Choosing an Obedience School for your Pet  By : Neven Zeremski
    Not everybody has the time or the energy required to train their dog. But that doesn’t stop them from wanting a well behaved, well mannered pet that makes them proud. If you fall in this category, fear not, there are many obedience schools that will be happy to accommodate your dog.
  • Feline Obesity  By : radhika dubey
    Does your cat polish your floor with his stomach as he walks? Is his food bowl bigger than your head? Do you grunt when you try to pick him up? Does he bounce when he lands on the floor? Do you spend more on his food bill than your own?

    People see fat cats as subjects of humor. They make cartoons with cute captions, manipulate photos into amusing cards, and crack jokes about their rotund companions. As harmless as it seems, obesity in our feline companions is not a joke.
  • Puppy Socialization Tips and Tricks  By : Richard Magnanti
    If you are like most people who have dogs, you most likely hate the fact that once a guest comes into your house, your dog jumps all over them. To help steer clear of this issue, you must get them familiar with humans and other dogs by socializing them. I have two pretty good sized dogs, I use the following tip to improve my dogs manners around other dogs and people as well.
  • House Training A Puppy  By : leresh
    Puppies are cute, and they are a favorite choice when a family is looking to get a new pet.
  • Looking After Your New Guinea Pig  By : Roy Weastt
    While it is correct that guinea pigs are somewhat appropriate as initial pets for children, it is especially significant that grown-up supervision is there when these charming little guys are handed to children.
  • Cats and Cat Carriers  By : dave ofgrims
    Many cats hate going into a carrier but it is essential I you are taking your cat anywhere by car. How can you make the experience better for your cat?
  • What You Need To Know Before Flying With Your Pet  By : Nick M.
    Every day many persons fly for many different reasons. Some travelers need to make a business trip, others are visiting friends or family, others are going on vacation, and some are making a cross country move. Whatever the reason that necessitates your next air trip, you may want to bring your pet along with you. If this is the case, you will find that you are subject to a completely different set of air travel rules than what you might be accustomed to. Before leaving for the airport with your pet, you should to familiarize yourself with those rules.
  • How to Train Your Pet on an Invisible Dog Fence Part Two - Introducing Your Dog to the Fence  By : Chris Powell
    Many people who first get an invisible dog fence do not know where to start. This article will discuss the very first step of the process: Introducing your do go the invisible dog fence.
  • How to Train Your Dog on an Invisible Dog-Fence - Overview  By : Chris Powell
    Do you need help in training your dog on an invisible dog fence? Read on for part one of a 5 part series. This first article of five will be a brief overview of the steps that need to be taken in order to train your dog efficiently. Stay tuned for four more invisible dog training segments that will provide in depth details to train your dog on you invisible dog fence.
  • Some Advantages of Owning a Pet  By : Roy Weastt
    The relationship connecting pets and humans is way beyond the master-slave form of association.
  • How to Pick a Great Dog Groomer  By : Neven Zeremski
    There are many things that you need to do to take care of your dog. You need to feed it, water it, and have it groomed. One real problem when getting your dog groomed is finding a great dog groomer. Sometimes it can be difficult because there are so many pet groomers out there. Finding the right match for you and your dog can be made much easier if you have some guidelines to go by. Use the following guidelines when picking out a great dog groomer.
  • Pet Stain Information  By : Gen Wright
    Have pet stain and odor problems in your home? If so, here is some information to help you solve pet stain and odor problems. You have probably tried just about everything to rid your home of the contamination and odor.
  • The Right Collar for your Puppy  By : Neven Zeremski
    A collar with the dog’s name and your address on it will ensure that your dog is safely returned back if he ever gets lost. Doggie collars are also vital training aids. They can also be your dog’s style statement and yours in some cases. If you have ever tried going out to buy a collar for your little fur ball you know that the wide array of colors and styles are mind boggling.
  • How to Stop the Chewing Habit  By : Neven Zeremski
    I was once a distressed pet owner who would dread coming back home to find my furniture chewed, the upholstery torn and my shoes in pieces. I am sure there are many other people out there like me who have to put up with their dog’s destructive behavior.
  • Housebreaking Your Puppy  By : Neven Zeremski
    Getting a new puppy home has the most wonderful emotions attached to it. Holding your puppy, cuddling him, watching him play can all be sources of great pleasure. However the joy and ecstasy ends the moment you walk into the first puddle of puppy pee or when you see your favorite rug with a big wet pee stain on it. And as these incidents are repeated with regularity you are just about ready to pull your hair out.
  • Essential items for your new puppy  By : Neven Zeremski
    So it’s the big day: you’re finally getting a puppy! You will be welcoming a new member of the family into your house and it’s important that you have all the necessary things to make them feel right at home. There are several items which are essential to help your puppy settle in and these are listed below:
  • Essential items for your new kitten  By : Neven Zeremski
    Bringing home a new kitten is an exciting time. It is important to prepare in advance for the new arrival to ensure they settle in as quickly and comfortably as possible. Before you get your new kitten, remember to make an appointment with your local vet. That way you will know for sure that your kitten is healthy and happy.
  • Has Your Cat Got the Cream?  By : Neven Zeremski
    Owning a cat can feel a bit like having a small child. It is dependent on you for survival, yet cannot tell you exactly what it wants, how it feels or that it doesn’t understand why you don’t want to play at 3 am. Like children, cats need love and attention as well as the basics of food, water and shelter and, more often than not, they will let you know when they are not completely satisfied.
  • So you want to Own a Fluffy Pet Bunny  By : Roy Weastt
    The rabbit may possibly be one of the most misunderstood of all house pets. Rabbits possibly will look cute and cuddly,
  • Shetland Ponies: A Brief History  By : Craythorn
    Shetland ponies are those gorgeous tiny horses you see in pantomimes like Cinderella. They provide rides to children on farms and in zoos, and with their shaggy faces and stocky legs, are an ideal animal for children to share their first interaction with the equine world.
  • Puppy Training is important  By : Lifschitz
    Household pet training methods and techniques are authoritative for the state of your puppy.The fact many puppy owners neglect their dogs and cats and choose to avoid discplining them places the responsibility solely in the hands of the pet owner, not the pets. Pets may grow aggressive or disobedient by nature and have to be euthanized in order to avoid hurting someone else. Pet owners must take the necessary steps in learning how to train their puppies and having an obedient and discplined pet
  • Reward Your Pets  By : Lifschitz
    Although reinforcement breeding is generally deemed the most present-day mode of pet disciplining, it is in reality a good deal the most well renown way of breeding dogs in pet history, executed for centuries. It is expected that the reinforcement conditioning way has followed in practice for as long as pets have been at the side of man.
  • Puppy Cage Buying Guide  By : Roy Weastt
    Dog owners have to take into account several factors when buying or building a residence for their pets.
  • Building a dog house  By : Kyle Balthazar
    We've finanlly sold the house however the people who bought it also had a dog. The great thing was they loved the easy build Dog house I built last year so much that I decided to add it ti the property inclusions; it was a bit of a deal clincher in fact . Good thing I wanted to build a new dog house once more, but this time a larger one for 2 dogs.
  • Cat Fences - Wireless and Electric  By : Gen Wright
    Cats, unlike dogs, do not respond to verbal commands that well. So you need some special apparatus to train your cats to keep themselves in a specific area, or to keep out of some specified boundaries.
  • Mini Lop Rabbits Will Become Part Of Your Family  By : Amanda Edwards
    Mini Lop Rabbits are the sweetest addition to anyones family, here we have compiled tips from our years of keeping and breeding rabbits.
  • Hutches vs. Cages For Pet Rabbits  By : karl donald
    Hutches are designed for outside living situations, and more so for rabbits than guinea pigs. Guinea pigs aren't usually kept outdoors. Rabbit hutches come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and can be made from a lot of different materials. There are a number of people who prefer to make their own hutches when the outlay of building one is less than the cost of buying one.
  • Dog Carrier Travel Solutions  By : Becky Long
    Pet carriers that are ideal for travel. They are carriers that have been designed to be airline approved.
  • Pet Care 101: An Overview  By : Cary Wood
    In the past twenty years or so, pet lovers are finding newer ways to pamper their animal friends. As a result, many interesting developments have taken place in relation to pet care, so that your pet enjoys the best.
  • A Pet Rabbit is Not For Every One  By : karl donald
    Although children may think they would love to have a rabbit in the house, rabbits and children are not necessarily compatible. A rabbit is not like a stuffed toy that can be picked up and tossed around the way kids often do. Although many rabbits enjoy being stroked and petted, most rabbits do not like to be picked up, held or restricted. When this trait is combined with having sharp incisor teeth, it is not uncommon when careless children end up being bitten by startled rabbits.
  • Why Rabbits Make Excellent Pets  By : Roy Weastt
    Want a great pet that's cute, cuddly and won't grow from a cute little ball of fur to a 100 pound beast? Then think about a rabbit or guinea Pig!
  • Pet Rabbits- How To Pick Rabbit Cages  By : Gen Wright
    Cages for pets are always a very important aspect because you are essentially providing their habitat. By deciding what kind of an environment they will be living in, you are also deciding how comfortable and active they can be.
  • Ten Reasons Why Dogs Bark  By : Gen Wright
    Does your dog have a barking problem? If you want to control excessive barking in your dog, you need to first understand the reasons behind his barking. If you can figure out why your dog is barking, then you can come up with a solution to the problem.
  • Why Dogs Bark and How to Control Barking  By : Gen Wright
    When a dog barks, they are simply communicating. It is normal for a dog to bark. Whether they are alerting you to someone else in the vicinity or telling you they are hungry, it is the only way they have to let you know what they want.
  • Demystifying the Modern Myths and Misconceptions about Electronic Training Collars  By : Gen Wright
    Are you considering using an electronic training collar for your pet? As the widespread availability and increased sales of these electronic training collars grow, so do many of the many myths and misconceptions about them.
  • Antler Hunting - When, Where and How?  By : Taylor Turnstone
    Antler hunting can be fun for the whole family, a good way to get some exercise, a way to spend a day in the field with your dog in the off season and can be an opportunity to find a record breaking profitable shed.
  • Puppy Training - Buying a Pet That is Easier to Train  By : Gen Wright
    Puppy training can be enjoyable, or it can be frustrating. That depends on the type of dog that you own, and your experience in training your pet. Some breeds are known to be easier to train, while some are notorious as hard-to-train pets.
  • Jack Russell Puppies - A Great Companion  By : Gen Wright
    A Jack Russell puppy can be a perfectly family pet if you understand it well. It has unique personality traits, which makes this breed ideal for some lifestyles.
  • Jack Russell Puppies - Behavioral Problems  By : Gen Wright
    The Jack Russell is a fairly small dog, but it has such a high energy level and dominant personality that can sometimes land it in trouble.
  • Puppy Training - Qualities of a Good Trainer  By : Gen Wright
    Puppy training can be a time consuming task. You may be thinking of hiring someone to help train your pet for you due to having a lack of time, or you are simply inexperienced.
  • Boxer Puppies - Growing Up to Become Useful Dogs  By : Gen Wright
    The outward appearance of the boxer dog may look ordinary. The puppy grows up to be a mid sized dog, and most people are not frightened by the size of the dog.
  • Boxer Puppies - Ideal for Any Home  By : Gen Wright
    Many pet experts recommend buying a boxer puppy as a family pet because they know that these animals make the perfect pet for any home.
  • Boxer Puppies - Will You Consider a White Boxer as a Pet?  By : Gen Wright
    A boxer puppy will grow up to be a medium sized dog, with a proportionate body. It is easy to care for a boxer, as it is a fairly active animal.
  • Boxer Puppies - The Active Companion  By : Gen Wright
    Boxers are becoming more and more popular these days. There are many reasons that account for their rising popularity.

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