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Articles in Home | Art | Art History

  • Art History, taking you to a whole new world of appreciation  By : Susan G Phillips
    Ancient art is something to be respected, cherished and admired and any connoisseur of ancient art loves to collect it just as much as he or she loves to admire it. In the past, collecting ancient art was extremely difficult, very exclusive and for this reason was generally considered rather expensive and out of the reach of the ‘mum and dad’ enthusiasts.
  • Landscape Paintings- An Historical Voyage through Sun ‘n’ Shower  By : Suzanne Macguire
    The beauty of the heavens and the splendor of Mother Nature have found expression in art from time immemorial. The function of art has always been devoted to expressing beauty in all its diversity. No wonder, Aristotle described art as an imitation of life. Human beings take delight in the works of imitation (representation).
  • Painting Symbolism Guide  By : Greg Jordan
    One of the most beautiful things about art is that every individual can interpret the meaning of a piece in his or her own way. The same work of art could mean a million different things to a million different people. Many people who grow to greatly appreciate art do so because of the personal connections formed and derived from their own individual interpretations, regardless of the artist's original intent.
  • The History of Etch Printing  By : Andrea Winberg
    Etch printing and etching Printing Presses can trace their roots back to the 1500's where the process of etching was used to embellish armour and weapons like blades and cannons. The earliest examples of this were created in Germany where there are examples on display in the genuine Armeria of Madrid.
  • The Science Museum of Boston  By : Fred Francisto
    The write up gives an insight of the Boston’s Museum of Science.
  • Egyptian King Tut Undergoes CT Scan and DNA Test  By : Aubrey Moulton
    King Tutankhamun commonly referred to as the "boy king" has been a mystery since the discovery of his mummy in 1922. He's the most celebrated Egyptian pharaoh even though he was merely a lad when he passed away. The 3300-year-old mummy underwent DNA testing and CT scans and it was {ascertained that he died of complications from a broken leg that were worsened by malaria. And it seems the pharaoh’s parents were probably brother and sister.
  • Archaeology Dig Raises Controversy About Jerusalem  By : Aubrey Moulton
    Eliat Mazar, Israeli Archaeologist, is claiming excavations newly conducted date back as far as 3,000 years. This lends credence to the view that the Bible is not only a tale but an real happening. She states that the ramparts protecting Jerusalem date back to King Solomon and demonstrate that Jerusalem was a powerful city with a sturdy localized ruling system. Mazar affirms that the evidence indicates that Jerusalem had resources and manpower required to assemble such massive defenses.

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