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Articles in Home | Art | Artists

  • What, Truly, Is Your Passion?  By : Elliott Roberts
    Today's world is more focused on the fast paced style that we have set for ourselves than the dreams and hopes that once fueled our aspirations. We get so very caught up in our responsibilities that the obligations and expectations of our lives makes for a more important goals than our true passions.
  • Self Portraits in Art  By : Charlie Reese
    Artists have painted their own image for as long as art has existed. Self portrait art probably started when the first crude pictures of a man hunting appeared on the cave wall. There are many reasons for painting oneself. Sheer vanity may be one of them or it may be an opportunity for an artist to capture their emotional state at the time. It may simply be a matter of economics as a suffering painter may not be able to afford a model to draw.
  • On Becoming an Artist  By : Charles Griffith
    How to approach the personal and creative challenges of being an artist, and how general self-improvement can benefit the artist.
  • Marcel Duchamp  By : John Burton
    In December 2004, Duchamp's Fountain was voted the most influential artwork of the 20th century by 500 selected British art world professionals. The Independent noted in a February 2008 article that with this single work, Duchamp invented conceptual art and "severed forever the traditional link between art and merit".
  • Gustav Klimt - Famous Austrian Painter  By : George Baxter
    Gustav Klimt professed that his identity was clearly revealed in his paintings and a careful observer could easily discern this. Without even bothering to paint a self-portrait, Klimt wanted art lovers and his fans to understand him through his monumental paintings on canvas. Gustav’s unique style of portraiture, highlighting recurring themes on beauty and eroticism, continues to enthral artists and art lovers, and remains a strong inspiration throughout their lives.
  • Great And Rewarding Ways To Calm Your Nerves  By : Richard Achen
    Knowing a couple relaxation techniques can save your life, because stress is more than just uncomfortable it's also bad for your health. Disciplined practices such as palates can help relieve that stress, but what if you don't have the time? Perhaps you need to try a few of these simple ways to calm
  • Developing through Awareness  By : Diane Corriette
    If there is one thing you need in order to help yourself on this journey to self discovery it's awareness. Awareness is the state of being conscious of something or a sense of knowing (either by perception or by means of information) and is your key to making real and lasting change.

    Without awaren
  • Commisioning a Portrait  By : John Burton
    How many of us have ever commissioned an Artist to paint or draw a portrait of our partner, children, or pets? I suspect the answer is very few. Yet, thanks to the Internet, it has never been easier, or more affordable to employ the services of an Artist.
  • Artists: In Order to Achieve, You First Have to Believe!  By : Kristi Ambrose
    In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole and complete. I support myself, and life supports me. I see evidence of the law working all around me, and in every area of my life. I reinforce that which I learned to enjoy its ways.
  • Am I an Artist?  By : John Burton
    The occupation shown on my passport is "Artist", but I often wonder whether this title is appropriate in the modern age.

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