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Articles in Home | Doll Collectibles | Barbie

  • Barbie And You – Do You Feel Empowered? – Mattel Joins The Girl Movement With "I Can Be" Academy  By : Toan Dinh1
    The makers of the Barbie doll [Mattel] have created an “I Can Be” Academy to inspire pre-teen girls to pursue some of the 125 careers Barbie has held since her debut in 1959.
  • Identifying Vintage Barbies: When a 1966 Barbie is not a 1966 Barbie!  By : Judy Danalewich
    Many people think that when they see the 1966 date on the back of a barbie doll, that it is the vintage one. Probably not so. That date was the copyright date and was still used thru the late 1990's on current Barbie dolls. Ken dolls can have copyright dates of 1968 and be made in the later parts of 1990's.
  • Barbie Dolls Basics  By : Julie Normski
    Barbie is, almost universally, 11.5 inches tall, and she has been this size since her inception. However, there have been Supersize Barbie dolls which are the size of a small child as well. Ken is generally 12 inches tall, and Skipper (Barbie's Little Sister) 10 inches (check!). Barbie has had a few shorter friends and relations as well, including vintage Francie and Casey at 10.5 inches).
  • Dress Me Up Like Barbie  By : Alexa Swan
    Barbie is an image of new woman, proud of her figure and her achievements. She showed the world that a woman can survive and most definitely succeed on her own. For how many decades have pass by, still the Barbie doll rocks today. That’s how she is popular. But where did this doll originate?
  • Bratz and Barbies  By : Jamie Marie
    The Bratz are younger than Barbie. Barbie is a relatively safe fashion icon. There are countless Barbie accessories. Most young girls have a strong preference for either the Bratz dolls or the Barbie dolls.
  • The history of Barbie Games  By : Mary Smith
    Barbie games have had a 49 year history full of ups and downs, but Barbie has managed to always stay on top. Barbie games are popular with the same demographic who collect her latest outfits and dream of Barbie dream houses. Barbie and Ken, Together Again
  • The Perfect Fit for Barbie Doll Wedding  By : Lea Smith
    Below are some of the best wedding dresses you could find at Barbie doll wedding. There are still other gorgeous wedding gowns that you could find made by the top wedding dress designers exclusively for the Barbie Doll Wedding. All preparations must be set up for the Barbie doll wedding.
  • Barbie Facts That Every Collector Should Know  By : Low Jeremy
    After its tremendous launch in 1959, more and more people continued to collect Barbie dolls because of its potential future value. From young girls and teenagers up to older women who were fond of collecting dolls - especially vintage dolls - Barbie has become quite a commodity.
  • An Ultimate Guide When Looking For Vintage Barbie  By : Low Jeremy
    It is said that if all the barbies that have been sold in the market since 1959 were to be placed head to toe, the dolls would circle the earth not just once or twice, but seven times.
  • Barbie and Ken, Together Again  By : Lea Smith
    For Barbie fans, the state of affairs between Barbie and Ken leaves cause for concern. In 2004, Ken left Barbie amicably seeking a new single life. When Ken came back into Barbie’s social arena, he was immediately in competition with other fit, attractive types, and Barbie stayed cool. In 2007, however, Barbie made a few changes in her life.
  • Collecting Vintage Barbie Dolls  By : Low Jeremy
    If you're one of the avid fans and collectors of modern Barbie but would want to possess valuable Barbie items, then you might want to consider collecting for vintage Barbie dolls. Vintage Barbie dolls-those dolls copyrighted by Mattel Incorporated from 1959 to 1972-are becoming quite valuable pieces in the world of antique collection.
  • Collecting Barbie Dolls--A Profitable Hobby  By : John Mowatt
    Barbie dolls are collected by thousands of avid collectors around the world. The first Barbie made in 1959 is worth a great deal of money in excellent condition. Later editions can be worth large sums also if you know what to look for. We show you where to find collectible Barbies and accessories at the lowest prices.
  • Barbie Dolls--History Of A Phenomenon  By : John Mowatt
    The first Barbie doll was introduced by Mattel in 1959. Barbie dolls went on to become one of the greatest toy manufacturing successes ever. Barbie was invented by Ruth Handler who adapted her from an earlier German doll called Lilli. She was named after Ruth's daughter Barbara. She was the first mass produced adult styled doll and was an instant success.
  • Collect Early Barbie Dolls--Make money  By : John Mowatt
    Collectible Barbie dolls from the late 50's and early 60's can still be found. Here is what to look for in early Barbies. Collectors look for certain things and value the doll accordingly. There is a place where you can find many early Barbies.For as little as $1 and up you will find all kinds of Barbie dollas and accessories listed for sale.
  • Barbie Dolls--10 Facts About Barbie Doll Collecting  By : John Mowatt
    10 interesting facts about Barbie dolls--the world's most popular doll ever. How she began,her careers,her clothing,her friends. She is more popular than ever and will be 50 years old in 2009. Where will she go from here?
  • Collecting Barbie Dolls--Make Money While You Play  By : John Mowatt
    Barbie was first made in 1959 by Mattel and millions have been
    sold all over the globe since then. Barbies official birthday is
    March 9th 1959 which is when she was shown at the New York toy
  • Barbie Doll Fun Facts - A Trip Through Time  By : Terry Edwards
    Since 1959, Mattel's Barbie doll has been a smash hit with little girls around the world. Barbie has certainly seen it all over the years. Here are just a few facts to see if you can remember some of the more important moments in the life of Barbie.
  • Fun and Profit Collecting Barbies  By : Steve Dolan
    One of the most popular collector's items is dolls. Collectible dolls can range from antique dolls to modern collectible dolls. If you are interested in collecting dolls, it would be a good idea to focus on a particular type of collectible doll. Barbies would be a good choice.

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