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Articles in Home | Household | Bottles

  • A Basic Guide to Collecting Glass Bottles  By : April Kerr
    Collecting glass bottles is another popular hobby that is being pursued fervently by ardent collectors and can fetch you a good sum. The antique varieties convey its historical past and they are invaluable as they were manufactured by hand and no two are same.
  • The Versatility of a Bottle  By : James Monahan
    Bottles are quite fascinating. Aside from being just containers for almost everything, bottles can be used for many purposes. There are actually so many kinds of bottles that can be used for each specific purpose. There's the long neck bottle meant for wines and other drinks that has alcohol content.
  • Treasure Hunting For Antique Bottles  By : David Cowley
    To some, old bottles are just junk taking up space on the windowsills of the kitchen. They truly don't appreciate the craftsmanship that typically went into making these items, which was usually done by hand. Of course there are other reasons why someone would be interested in antique bottles, and it has to do with more than just how the bottles were made.

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