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Articles in Home | Appliances And Devices | Cameras And Projectors

  • The Leica Iiif - a Legend in Photography  By : Dave Simpson
    It is over seventy years since the first Leica was manufactured by Ernst Leitz in Wetzlar Germany. Since then over 1,500,000 of these cameras have been manufactured. Leica cameras were well ahead of their time and focused (pardon the pun!) on being extremely small and high quality.
  • Vintage 16mm Projectors  By : karl donald
    It was in the days of the Great Depression when 16mm projectors made their debut in the world, and they were the main attraction for many moviegoers. The earliest versions of the projector were produced by Bell and Howell and Eastman Kodak, whom turned out to be the most influential voices in the business. Once sound was introduced the projectors had to run at least 24 feet of film per second, but in those days the technology only have to push the film at about 17 feet per second.

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