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Articles in Home | Collecting And Collections | Decorating

  • New Generation Artificial Plants and Flowers  By : neuhaus
    In the last 4-5 years, the development of artificial plants and flowers has leaped to new levels of creativity. Much improved and innovative manufacturing processes have added new dimensions..
  • Beat the Winter Blues with an Indoor Flower Garden in Antique Glass Bottles  By : Jen Temcio
    Winter is a time of year where many people in cold climates are feeling the affects of lack of sunlight and spending too much time indoors. When you are feeling the depressive consequences of the winter season, it is imperative to find legitimate ways to get through the emotionally difficult times. Antique glass jars, vases, bottles and more are truly wonderful, often colorful and ornate. They can be beautifully showcased with a gorgeous and cheerful Indoor Flower Garden.
  • Beach and Nautical Themed Decor to Enhance the Home.  By : Tex
    Is your home ready for beach and nautical themed accents? Redecorating a single room, or your entire home, is a great way to spice up any living space.
  • Give your Home a New Feel by Adding Beach Themed Décor.  By : Tex
    Do you want your home to look like you are always at the beach even if you live hundreds, or thousands, of miles away?
  • Napoleon's Empire Inspiration for Design  By : Gen Wright
    In addition to giving his name to a brandy, a pastry and a psychological condition, Napoleon is also synonymous with the First French Empire, which at its peak briefly ruled a large part of Europe. It was Napoleon's Empire that provided the inspiration for a design movement based on the classical traditions of Greece, Rome and Egypt. The colors, furniture and other decorative elements of the Empire style can add a dramatic element to designs being conceived today.
  • Adirondack Style, the French Way  By : Gen Wright
    Colors should display the wilderness connection: rich greens, beiges, reds and browns. Motifs from nature, whether flora or fauna, add interest to pillows, window treatments and tablecloths.
  • What Does Color Mean To You?  By : Jeanene Stein
    Color means many things to different people. However responses to color differ according to personality and taste. See what your color personality may be.
  • Top Decorating Trends for 2009  By : Amitai Sasson
    It's that time of year again to start thinking about a new look and all the things that we can do around the house to make our home more fashionable and trendy.
  • Bamboo Deer Scarer Fountains (Shishi Odoshi)  By : Michael Guista
    The deer scarer, or shishi odoshi, is one of the most fascinating water features available.
  • Where Should You Put Your Indoor Fountain?  By : John Gill
    Where is my indoor fountain going to fit? It’s easy to let enthusiasm for such an attractive, novel piece of new décor get ahead of practical considerations. Before you get paralyzed by indecision, think about the following factors.
  • How to Decorate your Space with Wall Art  By : Claire Bowes
    If a room in your house lacks character, by simply placing some fine art
    prints on the walls can actually make quite an impact. Wall pictures
    are a necessary accessory in your home and are great to tie in with
    the room's style and color accent.
  • Have You Thought About How to Use Stained Glass in Your Home?  By : April Kerr
    Stained glass has been used in the making of decorative windows in some of the houses of very rich people and mostly in the cathedrals. The reason of using stained glass in the interior of a church is to make it look ornate and magnificent.
  • The RIGHT Way to Hang Things on the Wall: Part II -Nails and Screws and Bolts -oh my!  By : Bill Harvey
    The RIGHT Way to Hang Things on the Wall: Part II -Getting it to stay on the wall! Where-in we finally put the dang thing up. Here is HOW-TO.
  • The RIGHT Way to Hang Things on the Wall: Part I -Getting Started.  By : Bill Harvey
    If you are displaying a valuable collection of object-de-art, you MUST do it right, and preparation is the key -here is HOW-TO.
  • Home Theater Practicalities  By : Ed Pudol
    It is a great idea to research the products you will purchase and the individual components of your home theater system but how much time have you invested towards the planning and design of your home theater?
  • Soften The Look Of Your Kitchen With Vintage Tables, Chairs and Hoosiers  By : C. Dianne Zweig
    Softening the hard edges and industrial look of commercial style kitchens by using original vintage tables and chairs from earlier generations or transforming existing furniture is very popular today. There are many different styles you can choose from such as "cottage", "retro", "country" "Bohemian" and more.
  • Displaying Collectibles a La Cottage Style  By : C. Dianne Zweig
    Many flat surfaces are available for displaying collectibles and décor. Shelves, windowsills, mantles, the top of beams, on top of kitchen cabinets, tables, and chests, etc. They can be used to group collections. Collections can be arranged with objects of similar color, shape, material, era, or use. When displaying mixed objects in a collection or objects of different size, also experiment with using different levels.
  • Elegant and Ornate Antique Ceiling Tiles  By : C. Dianne Zweig
    Beautiful ornate antique tin ceiling tiles are very popular today and are being used as decorative accessories, wall décor, supports for artwork and of course for home remodeling projects. These elegant and charming collectibles are back in vogue and continue to attract many buyers.
  • Decorating with and Interesting Uses for Vintage Ladies Handkerchiefs  By : Luanne Reilly Oda
    Vintage ladies handkerchiefs make a wonderful collectible, and they are still quite affordable. Maybe you were fortunate enough to inherited Grandmas vintage handkerchiefs collection. People often ask me though, What do you do with them? How can you display them? Here are a few ideas for you.
  • Home Décor Collectibles  By : Kristy Annely
    As soon as one hears the term home décor collectibles, one conjures up images of art deco paintings, memorabilia, toys, games, toons, calendars, videos, clothing, accessories, posters, and what not. There are literally thousands of options available for collectors who are looking for antique home décor.
  • Choosing Accessories For An Old World Decorating Theme  By : Lee Dobbins
    To give your Old World decorating theme that finished feeling, you need to find the most suitable decorative accessories. This design style works favorably with time worn decor which help add charm to the timeworn and elegant ambiance of old world elegance.
  • Creating a Fresh Vintage look with Kitschy Cottage Style  By : C. Dianne Zweig
    Using retro pastel kitchen and home collectibles from the 30s, 40s, 50s offer cottage style home offers a fresh vintage look which is easy to create and afforadable.

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