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Articles in Home | Outdoors Collectibles | Decorations

  • The indelible memoirs of the United States Flag.  By : Flag Daddy
    The History of the American Flag is astonishing.
  • Water Fountains: A Beautiful Natural Therapy For The Whole Person  By : Wilson Gumphrey
    Even as far back as ancient Rome, water fountains have been used to represent prosperity and wealth. For thousands of years, Chinese practitioners of feng shui have noted both the spiritual and health benefits of having flowing water in and around the home or place of business. People gather around water fountains in town squares and they recognize them as landmarks.
  • Designing Basic Outdoor Fountains  By : Henry Heinsmith
    It really isn't that hard to build your own outdoor fountains. If you want an outdoor fountain, you may be able to find the materials to build one in the home. Chances are you would rather buy the materials to create a larger and more decorative fountain. Outdoor fountains are the perfect way to beautify your garden. Look no further if you want to learn how to build a basic outdoor fountains.

    There are some things that are required before you can begin your outdoor fountains project. You will need a retaining pool, the water pump, tubing, silicone sealant, waterproof electrical connectors, and whatever decorative elements you've chosen.

    Be sure that you take the time to find the proper place for your outdoor fountains, before you start digging. Request the electric company to conduct a search for buried power cables before you start digging for the retaining pool. This service is free of charge so it may really pay off to have it done since you would like to avoid paying for any severed lines.

    When they say it's clear, you can begin digging. The hole you dig for the retaining pool will need slightly larger dimensions than the pool itself to properly accommodate it.

    Looking again at the retaining pool, make a small opening in the side to insert the power cable for your water pump. The wire should be ran inside until it reaches the center of the pool. Naturally, waterproof cable must be used for safety reasons. Once the cable has been inserted, you can then seal the hole with silicone sealant.

    Finally, you are ready to put the retaining pool into the hole. The retaining pool for outdoor fountains should be a snug fit. The gaps left on the outside of the retaining pool will need to be filled in with dirt. You've made quite a bit of progress on your outdoor fountains so far.

    It is time to install the water pump. When the pump is placed in the center of the pool, you can then attach it using waterproof connectors. Depending on the style of the outdoor fountains, different stones or river rocks may be used to disguise the pump. The wires for the pump will need to be buried to protect it from the elements.

    The main goal you have when you first put water in outdoor fountains is finding any possible leaks. The pump can be started if the water level remains constant. Of course, you will need to watch the pump to see if it works properly. The performance of outdoor fountains is also based on the proper placement of the water pump.

    Once you've built one, outdoor fountains can become a source of tranquility, filling your garden with gentle sounds. If outdoor fountains are properly cared for, they can last a lifetime, providing plenty enjoyment the whole time. Outdoor fountains also add style and value to your home or property.
  • 10 gardening design concepts to make your home garden unique  By : Gen Wright
    Many little things can be done to embellish your garden area. Many are simple while others are more complex. Learn Many tips about how to embellish your garden to your liking and to obtain a special area in your neighborhood.
  • Teak Furniture - Unique Teak Garden Tiles  By : Gen Wright
    You have chosen all the right furniture for your garden and everything looks great, but you can't seem to get the right garden tile to fit in with the rest of the design.
  • Five Water Fountain Designers: Which One Is Right For You?  By : Chris Gill
    Water fountain specialists provide insights on five of the designer-manufacturers of American water fountains.
  • Picking The Best Outdoor Fountain For Your Budget  By : Chris Gill
    As one of the leading online water fountain merchants, Serenity Health provides the following tips for selecting the right water fountain for your budget.
  • Weathervanes Shapes and Uses  By : Mitch Endick
    For as long as there have been weathervanes, there has been a significance attached to the shape of the vane. In ancient times, the figures depicted in weathervanes and wind vanes were often made to represent gods, animals and other symbols of societal significance. Residents of a fishing village could very have weathervanes in the form of fish, ships and other maritime symbols.
  • Get Your Garden Fountain Ready For Spring  By : John Gill
    If you live up north, snow’s starting to blow, so thoughts of springtime may be furthest from your mind. If you own a garden fountain, however, now may be the time to think of the steps you’ll go though to set it back up once the weather is right.
  • Decorate your garden with fountains  By : Ethanpaulfountains
    Garden fountains are a popular amenity for every type of garden whether it be large or small. The smooth glide and the pleasant flow of water fountains not only muffle the background noise but also enhance the harmony and delicacy of the outdoor areas of your home.
  • You Need A Weathervane To Tell Which Way The Wind Blows  By : Mike O Brien
    History of the weathervane.

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