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Articles in Home | Art | Impressionism

  • Camille Pissarro - The French Godfather of Impressionism and Neo-Impressionism  By : Annette Labedzki
    One man credited as the 'cradle' of the 'Impressionist' movement in France was the painter, Jacob-Abraham-Camille Pissarro or simply, Camille Pissarro. He was an iconic father figure to many a greats, such as his colleagues, Gauguin and Cézanne. Pissarro was born on the Virgin Islands of St Thomas, to his Portuguese father, Abraham Gabriel Pissarro, a Jew, and a Spanish mom, Rachel Manzano-Pomié,
  • Impressionism - The First Defiant, Bold, and Defining Revolution in Art  By : Annette Labedzki
    Edgar Degas, one of the most famous members of the Parisian group of artists, hated the word "Impressionist." The term was often used to straitjacket him and his group of the 19th century artists, such as Renoir, Monet, and Pissarro. After all, every form of art, be it music, literature, or the fine arts, are in a way "Impressionist." What we see is what the artist tries to 'impress' us with. Even photography is fundamentally "Impressionist" because what we see is a photographer's 'impression' of reality.
  • The Most Celebrated Picasso Painting  By : Charlie Reese
    The artist went through many distinct styles and was not content to simply re-produce himself. It's possible to like one phase and dislike another and a Picasso painting means different things to different people. He liked to push the boundaries in relation to color and form and he was also a very accomplished sculptor. His enthusiasm for experimenting inspired following generations of artists.
  • His Most Famous Painting (The Garden of Pontoise) - Camille Pissarro  By : Annette Labedzki
    French 'Impressionist' painter Jacob-Abraham-Camille Pissarro or Camille Pissarro was born to rich Portuguese Jewish merchant Abraham Gabriel Pissarro and his wife Rachel Manzano on July 10, 1830, at the Caribbean Island of St. Thomas, West Indies. He lived here until the age of 12. He then went to a boarding school in Paris in 1855, where the director encouraged Pissarro to nurture his creative talent. Camille professionally started painting and created the masterpieces he is known for today.
  • What is Abstract Art?  By : Jamie Hanson
    One of the main characteristics of abstract art is that it removes the monotonous realism. It does not make the subject in an abstract painting recognizable.

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