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Articles in Home | Nature Collectibles | Insects

  • How to Introduce Children to Insect Collecting  By : Matt ONeal
    To many young children, the lure for collecting and observing
    insects is as natural to them as anything they do. Maybe it's
    because we're all interested when something new or exciting or
    unique happens our way.
  • Title: Butterfly Culture  By : Janet K. Nelson
    Butterflies play a universal role in art, culture, science and economics. This article describes the value and importance of this integrated role and how it is celebrated in many cultures.
  • Insect or Arachnid?  By : Charles Kassotis
    Many people think of bugs as insects, but the fact of the matter is that just about any small, creepy and crawly thing can be a bug. Centipedes, spiders, and all sorts of insects are considered bugs. So, while an insect is always a bug, a bug is not always an insect.

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