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Articles in Home | Nature Collectibles | Ivory And Scrimshaw

  • Some of the Famous European Ivory  By : Mitch Johnson
    Ivory is one of the most precious things especially in the present time due to its scarcity. Many of them have been kept in the collectors possessions. There are demand for even the things that resembles closely ivory like the teeth of the hippopotamus, walrus, narwhal, and sperm-whale, and the bones of animals. These things have also become very expensive.
  • The Best Carvers of Ivory  By : Mitch Johnson
    Ivory has been used for making works of art from Biblical times onwards. The comparative ease with which it can be manipulated and its durable nature has always attracted craftsmen of all nations, and the latter quality has led to the preservation of a surprisingly large number of ancient examples.
  • The Beauty of Ivory Carvings  By : Morgan Hamilton
    Ivory carvings are a classic way to show style and taste. These amazing artifacts are famous for their high quality and masterful craftsmanship. Ivory carvings owe their popularity to the smooth surface which makes duplications impossible. Generally they were made out of elephant tusks and the element is tooth. As you know teeth are actually bones.
  • Mammoth Ivory  By : Shlomi Sha
    Because the mammoth was commonly found in ancient times, people
    in the regions which the mammoth once walked have been
    discovering and trading mammoth ivory for many years. These
    days, with the recent illegality of elephant ivory, mammoth
    ivory provides an option which is equally as rare and beautiful,
    and less ethically dubious.
  • Antique Scrimshaw Whale Tooth  By : Eric
    I'd like to write about a favorite whale tooth of mine done by
    the famous, "more modern" scrimshander William Perry. Perry was
    born in Oakland, CA in 1894 belive it or not, but his father was
    a New Beford whaler during the 19th century.

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