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Articles in Home | Materials | Metal

  • Precious Metal Testing: A Beginner's Guide  By :
    If you buy and sell vintage and antique jewelry long enough, you will acquire some pieces that though unmarked, seem to be made of fine metal. Maybe it is their heft, their color or their style, but something tells you these are “better” pieces.
  • Various Types of Nickel Based Alloys  By : M.shaun
    There is variety of alloys and each alloy has its own specific chemical and mechanical properties.
  • Oh, Boy, Alloy!  By : C.L. Hendricks
    What exactly is an alloy? Since alloys are part of our daily lives, it’s important that we have some idea of exactly what an alloy is. An alloy is simply a metal that is made up of more than one element. The reason for using an alloy rather than a pure metal is that there are certain properties that might be desired in a finished product that the pure metal just doesn’t have. By combining two metals, one achieves a substance that has the best of all the elements.
  • What Is Palladium And How Is It Used?  By : Ann Knapp
    Of the platinum group of metals -- platinum, palladium, iridium, rhodium, osmium and ruthenium -- palladium has the lowest specific gravity and the lowest melting point. William Hyde Wollaston and Smithson Tennant isolated palladium as a separate member of the platinum group in 1802. It wasn't used in jewelry until 1939, when platinum was declared a strategic metal and reserved for military use.
  • Gold Mining: How We Dig It  By : Ann Knapp
    There are two main gold mining methods, one is called "placer" and the other is "vein" mining. And another type of mining is when gold is collected as a by-product in the mining of other metals.
  • The History of Platinum  By : Ann Knapp
    The overnight stardom of platinum really boils down to years of paying dues and working hard prior to its introduction and sudden success in jewelry at the turn of the 20th century. Let's look at the history of platinum and the properties that have made it an important metal in the world of jewelry.
  • The Hidden History of Gold  By : Ann Knapp
    Gold is a pure metal first found by early man. It is very workable in its naturally occurring pure state and has been used by craftsmen for the past 11,000 years. Revered for millennia gold is now the material of choice of people across the globe as an expression of love. Let's look more closely at the fascinating story of gold.
  • The Shining Facts about Silver  By : Ann Knapp
    Demand for silver comes from three major areas: industrial, photography and jewelry and silverware. These three categories represent more than 95 percent of annual silver consumption. While jewelry is instantly recognizable as an element in jewelry its role in the modern word goes far beyond jewelry, let's take a look at why silver is so important.
  • Quo Vadis, Stainless Steel?  By : Ben Yang
    Stainless steel was the result of joint discoveries among independently-working researchers in Britain and Germany in 1913. For example, knowing how the sea and its spray can chemically alter steel in various adverse ways, a certain type of stainless steel has a significantly improved general and pitting corrosion resistance.
  • More To Tin Than Soda Cans  By : Arturo Ronzon
    Many of us are very familiar with the tin can. That is where we get our sodas. Mention “tin can manufacturer” and we would most likely picture a huge factory with many machines involved in making soda cans. Apart from soda cans, these tin can manufacturers also manufacture other tin objects.
  • Silver Mining around the world  By : Catherine Darcy
    A brief summary of the key silver mining regions of the world
  • The History of Silver Jewellery  By : Catherine Darcy
    The history of silver jewellery from the ancient Egyptians to the modern day.
  • Antiques - Bronze, Silver And Gold  By : Michael Russell
    The earliest civilisations of China, Egypt, Greece and Rome made bronze coins and statues, ad bronze was later used to cast bells and cannon - the original Victoria Crosses were made from bronze of Russia cannon captured in the Crimean War. It finally became extremely popular with British and Indian craftsmen in Victorian times for casting small statuettes and art objects.
  • The History of Brass Metals  By : Mitch Johnson
    The making of articles and figures from brass metal probably dates back to the seventeenth century. Some of the things that were made with brass are candlesticks, dishes of various sizes andchandeliers.
  • What Does The "Sterling" Mean in Sterling Silver?  By : Everett Sizemore
    We hear and see “sterling silver this” and “sterling silver that” almost every day, yet many shoppers do not understand what it really means. Does “sterling” mean “pure”? Does sterling silver jewelry come from a certain part of the world?
  • Information on Casting Patterns and the Creation of Metal Casting Patterns  By : Kent Kelin
    Learn about Casting Patterns and the different types of Casting Patterns

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