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Articles in Home | Personal Items | Perfume Bottles

  • Antique Perfume Bottles Are A Much Treasured Possession  By : Charlotte Hargreaves
    Perfume bottles, both antique and those of today, are often more prized than the perfume they once held. They are immensely varied works of art with lingering appeal.
  • Antique Perfume Bottles Are Treasured Possessions  By : Charlotte Hargreaves
    Collecting antique perfume bottles has become much more popular
    in recent times especially with the advent of such new and
    interesting markets as online auctions.The numbers of varied
    types of perfumes is undeniably huge which means that there is a
    need to carry at least those many different perfume bottles
  • Are You A Collector Of Perfume Bottles ?  By : Mike Selvon
    Perfume and perfume bottles are huge collector's items. Well, not so much the perfume because eventually it will go bad. It may take a long time but you do not want a hundred year old vintage bottle of perfume sitting on your display shelf, just in case it were to tip over.
  • Perfume Bottle Atomizers - A Brief History  By : Jade Honeywell
    Perfume in some form or other has been around since ancient
    times. The Mesopotamians and Egyptians, Greeks and Romans
    annointed their bodies with perfumed oils and ointments. And in
    order to keep their products fresh they needed containers to
    store them.
  • Perfume Bottle Collections Make Good Choices  By : Candice Sabrina
    An antique perfume bottle can range in price from a few dollars
    to thousands. To get started on one of these collections, it's a
    good idea for a want-to-be collector on a budget to make a few
    rules of the game first. These include:
  • Perfume Bottles - Designs And Shapes Seduction  By : Raymond Nwambuonwo
    Why do elegant perfume bottles captivate and seduce us so much?
  • The Essential Buyer's Guide To Antique Perfume Bottles  By : Serene Jones
    Collecting perfume bottles is definitely a hot hobby these days.
    But collecting vintage perfume bottles is a whole lot more
    rewarding because of the intrinsic value associated with each
    piece. Thinking of buying a piece to start or augment your
    collection? Read on for some tips.
  • The History of Perfume  By : April Kerr
    The use of perfume dates back to the Egyptians when they used it as part of their religious ceremonies by burning incense or by using ointments and balms. Incense is a product which has scented organic materials which, when burned, release a beautiful fragrance. When burnt, the organic compound condenses into fine droplets and scents the surrounding cooler air.
  • The Secret To Successful Vintage Perfume Bottle Collecting  By : Serene Jones
    Archeologists have discovered intricate perfume bottles within
    the tombs of Egyptian Pharaohs, and it is believed that
    Egyptians were the first to incorporate fragrances and perfume
    into their cultural rituals. The most diverse materials, like
    gold, hard stones, glasses of colors and others had been used by
    the Egyptians to keep their perfumes.

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