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Articles in Home | Printed Items | Trading Cards

  • Don't Confuse Rare Yugioh Cards for Rare Yugioh Cards  By : Caleb
    Rarity for yugioh cards is relative. Based on what a card does will actually affect how rare it really becomes in the market. First, there are basically two types of people who buy yugioh cards.
  • Rare Yu-Gi-Oh Cards - Rare Trading Cards for the Yu-Gi-Oh Game  By : Jenni Kerala
    Yugioh is played with the use of trading cards. The cards come in a variety of types and features. They are used for the player to build decks while summoning certain characters in the game. However, there is this particular type of Yugioh card that plays a very vital role in this collectible trading card game.
  • Collecting Trading Cards--Make Money With Your Hobby  By : John Mowatt
    Trading cards are an extremely popular collectible for both adults and children. These sets of color printed cards, usually presented as a series or a theme, are traded with other collectors, bought and sold and saved in albums. When people think about trading cards, they most often visualise sports trading cards. Sports cards have photographs and stats of players in all sports including hockey, baseball, basketball and football,to name just a few of the very popular series. There has also been

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