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Gust Lenglet's Articles in Ceramics

  • Antique Japanese Valuables Hidden In Plain Sight
    Antique Japanese pieces are often described as being sought after for their almost delicate beauty, and meld between tradition and culture. However, when discussing Japanese antiques it would be amiss to exclude the monetary value that their popularity has brought on. Some collectors pay great amounts to obtain rare and valuable pieces, and yet others choose to search for those that are hidden in plain sight.
  • Antique Japanese Pottery: Collecting the Pre-Ceramic Ancient Past
    Antique Japanese pottery was around long before the discovery of porcelain. Dating back to the Neolithic period itself, and then onwards until the late 16th century, antique Japanese vases and other earthenware items were prized possessions even then. Despite the fact that ceramics all but replaced the traditional earthenware industry, if you’re collecting Japanese antiques, you should know that there is a lot of value in these more ancient items.

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