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Susan Dean's Articles

  • Collectible Teapots - A Hobby Worth Admiring
    So many people collect so many different things. I suppose the most popular would be coins and stamps along with spoons and cards. You can of course collect anything you like. Some things that people collect are for investment purposes but most are just because they love what they are collecting. I love collectible teapots amongst other things like teddy bears and figurines.
  • Coin Collecting Hobby : Great Fun For The Whole Family
    Isn't it funny that when we are kids we tend to enjoy collecting as a hobby but most of us do not continue this through adult life? I know as a child I enjoyed a stamp and coin collecting hobby along with swap cards and teddy bears. I gave my stamp collection away when I got older and I sold most of my coins as well. I honestly cannot remember what happened to the swap cards or all the teddy bears
  • Antiques Mean Something Different To Everyone
    Many people, myself included love the look of old things. We love to furnish our homes with old furniture and different nick knacks that have come from a different era. Many of these things are antiques while many are just old looking. It has become very popular these days to decorate your house with older looking furniture. Many manufacturers make modern furniture that look like antiques but in fact are not.

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