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cash330's Articles in Art Technique

  • Different Watercolor Painting Techniques
    Watercolor paint comes in two different forms. You are probably most familiar with the cakes. You can buy watercolor paint in the form of cakes that is simply color paint pressed together and formed into a cake. You can get the cakes lined up side by side.
  • Find the Best Drawing Pencils for You
    Choosing a drawing pencil sounds like it should be simple. You just go to your pencil jar and grab one, right? The hard part is that there are so many to choose from. Believe it or not, it is not as simple as choosing to use a number 2 pencil. Number 2 pencils are fine for math class, but not necessarily for drawing.
  • Learn How to Use Oil Paint
    Oil Paint has been used by many of the most famous painters. It is a great medium that isn’t hard to use and has many exceptional qualities. Before you begin painting, you need to make sure you have all the supplies including paint, brushes, terpentine or another oil paint solvent, canvas to paint on, and anything else you might need.
  • Learn How to Use Acrylic Paint
    Acrylic paint is a popular painting medium and is very forgiving. Both beginning and advanced painters used acrylic. Acrylic paint is great for several reasons. First, it dries quickly. This may or may not be a good thing for you. It better for those who like to layer their paint. Oil paint takes a long time to dry and if you layer, it will take even longer if it ever does completely dry.

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