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Articles in Home | Nature Collectibles | Rocks And Fossils

  • Meteorites For The Beginner  By : David Spates
    A meteorite by definition is a foreign rock that is not from our earth that makes it to earth, meaning that it does not burn up in the earths atmosphere. Rocks that are zooming around in space are called meteoroids, when the meteoroid enters the atmosphere of the earth it begins to glow and burn up, and then it is known as a meteor.
  • Digging For Dinosaurs  By : Marlene Affeld
    Montana is a paleontologist's paradise and famous worldwide for its wealth of dinosaur fossils. Scientists, consumed with a passion to understand the history of life on earth, have discovered over seventy-five different species of dinosaurs in Montana. More dinosaurs have been discovered in Montana than in any other state in the Union.
  • The Unique Properties Of Amber  By : Dustin Cannon
    Amber is a form of fossilized resin that is often used in the creation of jewelry and ornamentation as well as its scientific uses.
  • Rock Collecting: A Hobby that's "Hard" to Resist  By : K.Bader
    Rock collecting is a fascinating hobby for kids and adults alike. While rocks are common, cheap, and found everywhere, the variety is huge. Collected rocks can be displayed in many ways, from rock gardens to neatly kept showcases, making rock collecting a versatile hobby.
  • Antarctica Fossils  By : Alison Cole
    Antarctica has long been a subject of curiosity for both the voyagers and explorers because of its inhospitable topography. They endeavor to explore the possibilities of existence of living beings here. In the past, there have been numerous attempts to unearth fossils in the mainland as well as in the surrounding ocean.
  • Collecting Rocks  By : Rachel M. Barker
    The Earth is made of rock, from the tallest mountains to the floor of the deepest ocean. Thousands of different types of rocks and minerals have been found on Earth. Most rocks at the Earth's surface are formed from only eight elements (oxygen, silicon, aluminum, iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and sodium), but these elements are combined in a number of ways to make rocks that are very differ
  • Treasure Hunting For Meteorites  By : David Cowley
    Treasures are falling from the sky. A natural object originating in outer space that survives the impact with the earth’s surface is called a meteorite. Most meteoroids burn up when entering the Earth's atmosphere. However, it has been estimated that over 500 meteorites do reach the surface each year and they will range in size of a marble to basketball size or larger.
  • Treasure Hunting For Fluorescent Minerals  By : David Cowley
    Have you ever seen a rock that seems to glow in the dark? Maybe only when you've been at a museum or science center, but in reality fluorescent minerals can be readily found in many places and make for an amazing and eye-catching hobby. But for those who have such a collection it's important to understand how to care for and display it properly so that you experience the full effects of such beautiful items.
  • Treasure Hunting For Fossil Fish  By : David Cowley
    While you may assume that you need to travel to some far-off and exotic land and become a full-fledged Indiana Jones to find this type of treasure, in reality many have been able to come across these ancient fossils in whatever local area they live, including parts of the central United States, as well as in Germany, China, Italy, and other such areas.
  • Treasure Hunting For Megalodon Teeth  By : David Cowley
    If you're interested in fossils you may already have knowledge of megalodon teeth and realize that these are not collectibles that you can wear around your neck, but are truly a prized find for any treasure hunter. What do we mean by megalodon teeth and why would anyone want to see one?
  • Treasure Hunting For Geodes  By : David Cowley
    Thunder eggs, or geodes, are geological rock formations which occur in sedimentary and certain volcanic rocks. They look like regular rocks from the outside, the exterior typically made up of limestone, but then have crystal formations of quartz on the inside. They're referred to as thunder eggs by treasure hunters because they resemble very large eggs with their smooth exterior and round shape.
  • The Ammonites-Index Fossils  By : Claudia Mann
    Ammonites have been known to mankind for thousands of years. They are the source of many stories and myths. The name of this spiral-shelled cephalopod comes from the Egyptian god Ammon.
  • Want To Buy Fossils Wisely?  By : Claudia Mann
    When looking to buy fossils to create or add to your collection it is advantageous to have some information about the fossils you want and the dealers you are buying from.
  • Trilobites - Fossil Arthropods of Distinction  By : Claudia Mann
    The prolific trilobite could be called the signpost of the Paleozoic Era. This early arthropod, one of earth’s first, shows up in the fossil record in the early Cambrian Period about 450 million years ago. It flourished in the ancient seas for close to 300 million years before finally becoming extinct at the close of the Paleozoic Era.
  • Where Are Dinosaur Fossils?  By : Frank Vanderlugt
    Many people dream about finding dinasour fossils, particularly
    from big dinosaurs like Tyrannosaurus Rex. Kids and adults love
    to see the various fossils on display at many museums, imagining
    what the creature was like when it walked the earth. Some
    dinosaur fossils are easy to find, while others will take a
    great deal of searching and care.

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