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Dianne Hamments's Articles

  • Appealing Irish Collectibles
    Gaelic and Celtic traditions are rooted in the bedrock of Ireland, a country that a very passionate and proud people call home. Probably no other nationality has a stronger sense of their national and cultural heritage than the Irish.
  • Beautiful And Elegant Masonic Swords
    Masonic symbols and emblems hold great significance to members of the order of Freemasons (Masons). There are several different styles of Masonic swords, and each style can use different colored metals such as silver, gold, brass and bronze to form the blade, hilt, pommel and other parts of the sword.
  • Excalibur Swords - Awesome Power, Legendary Beauty, Lasting
    Excalibur - the famous "Sword in the Stone" Take a moment and
    let your mind's eye picture the images those words evoke. No
    sword, real or mythical, is more renowned, more beloved, than
    Excalibur. There is one simple reason, Excalibur is intimately
    associated with the myths, legends and romance surrounding King
    Arthur, Camelot, and the Knights of the Round Table.
  • Family Crests Might Not Be What You Think They Are
    Family crests are not what you might think. The term "family crest" is sometimes used interchangeably with the heraldic terms "coat-of-arms" or "family shield," but a family crest is actually only one portion of the heraldic display known as a coat-of-arms.
  • Family Seal Rings - Useful in the Past, Stunning Jewelry Today
    Family seal rings haven't been around for quite that long, but their history does go back to the feudal period of the Middle Ages, one thousand or more years ago.
  • Heraldic Jewellery - Proudly Worn In War and In Peace
    Heraldric jewellery probably occured as a result of personal vanity or pride, it did have its practical purposes as well. Heraldic devices were similarly used for purposes of identification during Medieval tournaments and jousts.
  • History of Family Crest Rings
    During the Middle Ages, family crest rings were beautiful pieces of jewelry that were used by members of the nobility to identify themselves as lords of the manor. Family crest rings can still be used to signify family membership, although now they are also used as a decorative fashion accessory.
  • Irish Traditions and Cultural Heritage Reflected in Irish Collectibles
    Ireland is an island country, strongly steeped in ancient Gaelic and Celtic traditions. It is home to passionate and proud people. Probably no other nationality has a stronger sense of their national and cultural heritage than the Irish. And probably no other nationality can lay as a strong a claim to the popularity of their ethnic or cultural items as can the Irish with their Irish collectibles.
  • Military Rings And What They Signify
    Military Rings are worn by current and retired members of the military as a highly visible demonstration of their proud participation in a branch of service. Their appeal supersedes distinctions of rank,gender and age: military rings are worn by officers and enlisted personnel, men and women, and the young and old.
  • Swords - The Noblest Of Weapons
    Of all the different weapons that are in use today, and of all the different weapons that have existed throughout history, swords are by far the noblest. Yes, swords are brutally effective weapons. But they are far more than that.
  • The American Civil War And Civil War Collectibles
    The American Civil War was one of the bloodiest series of
    battles ever fought within a single country. It was an epic
    struggle waged for five years (1861-1865) between the northern
    free States, as the United States of America, and the seceding
    Southern slave States, which formed a splinter country known as
    the Confederate States of America.
  • The Braveheart Sword - Legendary Power And Strength From The Past
    The Braveheart Sword received its name because of its strong association with the Scottish national hero Sir William Wallace. Wallace, who was sometimes called "Braveheart," was an actual historical figure who lived during the Middle Ages.
  • What is a Claddagh Ring?
    The design elements common to all Claddagh rings are two hands lovingly holding, embracing or caressing a heart, topped by a simple crown. It stands for loyalty, trust and faith. Claddagh jewelry is named after a small Irish fishing village located near Galway, Ireland.

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