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Spencer Wood's Articles in Athletic Life

  • Poise under Pressure (PART 1) - A True Test of Mental Toughness
    The purpose is to provide a strong reminder of the critical link between tight games, clutch situations and pressure, a concept and a link that is not so well understood.
  • Ultimate Pre-game Preparation – Part 2 - Composure, Focus and Intensity
    Part 2 of Ultimate Pre-game Preparation discusses some key ways in which the athletes should prepare themselves to play at an optimal intensity level. To accomplish this, one of the first things we must develop is an understanding of why intensity, focus and motivation sometimes take a nose dive in certain games. The myriad of reasons why we play sports and relish competition lies deep within an e
  • Poise under Pressure (PART 2) - A True Test of Mental Toughness
    Part 2 of this series on pressure is more than just understanding how pressure is a common denominator in sports, it is about understanding how pressure can affect an athlete’s ability to relax, destroying good shot selection, negatively impacting assist to turnover ratios, lowering shooting percentages, and negatively affecting overall clutch performance. This discussion will also focus on a high
  • The Championship Mindset
    Many coaches are much more interested in discussing the need to commit the necessary practice intensity, time, blood, sweat and tears in individual and team practice sessions to give them the right to play for a championship, but as we will discuss, this is not nearly as important or difficult as truly committing to a championship run emotionally.
  • Cinderella's Magic
    Integrity begins with the coaching staff. Athletes work harder and play harder for the coaches and programs they truly respect. Athletes with great personal integrity are a joy to coach. They help turn good teams into great teams and are the backbone of great team culture. Many coaches have great knowledge, and many of these coaches may also be great teachers who produce highly skilled athletes
  • DRIVE - The Ultimate Athletic Attribute and Mental Skill
    The goal of almost every mental training drill and peak performance skill is to strengthen and improve Composure, Concentration, and Confidence. These three ‘Cs’ of peak performance are supreme in their influence on sports related performance.
  • Developing an Explosive Speed, Agility and Quickness Program The Right Way!
    The ‘traditional’ view is that an athlete who does not possess great natural speed, agility and quickness can never become a great athlete. Two of the main goals of any explosive speed, agility, quickness, and vertical leap training program should be to rapidly improve sports performance and reduce the risk of injury. What are the dominant planes of motion and muscle actions used by the sport an
  • Ultimate Game Time "Psyching"
    This article will focus on what athletes can do to ensure they maintain a fierce level of intensity and extremely high motivation levels regardless of whether the setting is a 6am practice, or the biggest game of the year.
  • The Mentally Tough Athlete
    Great coaches and players understand the importance of mental toughness all too well. Indeed, in the midst of collegiate national championship, WNBA and NBA championship euphoria, sports writers and anchors across America collectively want to ask each of the winning coaches a myriad of different questions. But among these questions, one common question always seems to emerge: “Tell us about what

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